The Australian Tourism Minister has mentioned recently that the federal government anticipates the international border will be reopened by Christmas “at the latest”.
Under the national reopening plan, Australians will be allowed to travel overseas again once 80 per cent of people over 16 have been fully vaccinated.
It will also allow Australians who have received one of the vaccines approved in Australia — currently the AstraZeneca (or Vaxzevria), Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines — to quarantine at home for a shorter period of time.
Although this announcement is mainly looking at Australians travelling, it is also looking at the possibility of less time spent in Quarantine or Home based Quarantine if travellers have a Vaccination certificate that would use a QR code system. The Australian Government is currently working on a system which would allow a QR Code to be linked to passports to show a proof of vaccination. In fact, from next month the Government is planning to start issuing vaccination passports designed for international travel, which is an encouraging step. The Government is currently conducting talks with overseas embassies regarding Australia’s vaccine passports to ensure these are accepted internationally. This gives hope to the prospect of Australia generally opening up its borders to the rest of the world or even a phased return by certain countries having a travel bubble with Australia. As this announcement has come from the Tourism Minister, it is certainly the case that he will also have his mind clearly fixed on the resumption of international inbound travel.
What the announcement does mean is that for Australians and the non-Australian Spouses this will make a lot easier to travel to Australia in the future as they may well be able to quarantine at the families home or have shorter periods of Quarantine.
Australian citizens and permanent residents are still able to travel to Australia with their immediate families whilst the travel restrictions remain in place. The non-Australian spouse or child needs a visa to travel as well as an approved exemption to travel.
Overseas based Australians wishing to bring their spouses may consider applying for the Australian Spouse or De-facto Spouse Visa. Holders of those visas are not required exemption to travel.
The prospect of borders re-opening will certainly cheer up many families who have been separated from their loved ones for many months. It is also positive news for Australian travel industry and Australian businesses looking to bring overseas workers to fill shortages following departure of thousands of temporary visa holders.
As the Australian Borders open it will also mean that the Skilled Shortages that have occurred during the Pandemic will also start to be filled again by overseas applicants.
With this in mind we have already seen some applicants preparing for this by doing their Skills Assessment with us so that they are further along in the process when the borders do open. As the general minimum number of years that the Skills Assessments are valid for is 24 months this gives potential applicants a start to the process. This will be helpful as long as the Borders do then open within the next two years.
We have seen the opening of a few of the states to Overseas applicants such as South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory and we are hoping to see others such as Queensland open themselves up again soon as well.
With the opening up of the borders we are anticipating that the Lists on the States Sponsoring overseas Skilled Migrants will increase.
So if you are looking to travel to Australia and you wish to have assistance with a Visa for your Partner then Taylor Hampton Emigrate to Australia can assist you with your Visa needs. Our number is 020 74275290 and you can also email us: [email protected]