Australian Visa Expression Of Interest
Latest Visa Invitation Round Results Announced
SkillSelect – September 2018 Round
The Australian Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) published the latest Skilled Migrant Visa invitation round results. Intendend Migrant Visa applicants are required to submit an Expression Of Interest. The Visa Invitation Rounds are conducted one a month to select high scoring applicants wishing to apply under the Australian Skilled Migrant Visa, subclass 189 and 489 (Family Sponsored) Visa. On the 11th September, 2490 prospective applicants were selected and issued with an Invitation to apply for the Skilled Migrant Independent Visa 189. Only 10 prospective applicants were invited to apply for the Skilled Migrant Regional (Family Sponsored Provisional) (subclass 489).
Applicants required minimum 70 points to be selected for the 189 Visa and 80 points for selection for 489 Visa (non pro-rata occupations). Invited applicants have 60 days to submit their Visa application with supporting documentation.
The 11th September invitation rounds results can be viewed here:
The next round of Invitations is scheduled for 11th October.