Emigrate to Australia – Australian Employment Projections
In its August 2017 report, The Australian Department of Employment reported an employment increase by 7.8% by May 2022. The biggest employment growth is projected in the following industries:
• Health Care and Social Assistance- increase by 25.1%
• Professional, Scientific and Technical Services – increase by 12.7%
• Construction – increase by 12.1%
• Education and Training – increase by 11.6%
• Accommodation and Food Services – increase by 9.8%
• Public Administration and Safety – increase by 7.5%
• Retail Trade – increase by 4.6%
• Transport, Postal and Warehousing – increase by 4.0%
• Administrative and Support Services- increase by 3.5%
• Other – increase by 9%
The biggest increase in employment is projected in Health Care and Social Assistance industry, biggest factors contributing to the increase being Australia’s ageing population and demand for childcare and care services.
Employment is projected to significantly grow for skilled workers in Professional, Scientific and Technical Service, including those in the Computer System Design and related services sector.
Construction is on the rise with infrastructure investment contributing to employment growth in the construction and engineering sectors.
Growing demand for adult and community education as well as growth in the school aged population results in higher employment in Education and Training industry.
Accommodation and Food services are also expected to grow due to popular café society as well as better domestic and international tourism in Australia.
A decrease in employment is projected in manufacturing following closures of Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Part Manufacturing plants. A 2.4% increase is expected in mining employment due to increasing investment in exploration as well as increases in metal ore mine production from existing mines.
The Employment projections may be taken into account in the next review of the Australia Skilled Occupation Lists. The lists, applicable to those wishing to Emigrate to Australia under the Australian Skilled and/or Australian Employer Sponsored visas are to be reviewed every 6 months with the next review due in January 2018. If you are thinking about moving to Australia on temporary basis or considering Emigrate to Australia a permanent move, contact us to discuss your case and how we can help: [email protected] or call our London office on 0207 427 5290.