To be invited to apply for a skilled work visa in Australia, it is essential to meet specific requirements to meet the minimum threshold. These requirements give you points, which are known as the Australian Skilled Points Test and you need to meet a minimum of 65 points to apply.
The Points criteria are assessed at the time of invitation.
What amounts to points?
1. Age
At least 18 but less that 25 years = 25 points
At least 25 but less than 33 years = 30 points
At least 33 but less than 40 years = 25 points
At least 40 but less than 45 years = 15 points
2. English language skills
Competent English = 0 points
Proficient English = 10 points
Superior English = 20 points
3. Skilled employment experience
Outside Australia
Less than 3 years = 0 points
At least 3 but less than 5 years = 5 points
At least 5 but less than 8 years = 10 points
At least 8 years = 15 points
In Australia
Less than 1 year = 0 points
At least 1 but less than 3 years = 5 points
At least 3 but less than 5 years = 10 points
At least 5 but less than 8 years = 15 points
At least 8 years = 20 points
However, please note that you must be employed in your nominated skilled occupation (or closely related skilled occupation) in the 10 years before you are invited to apply.
4. Education qualification
A Doctorate = 20 points
A Bachelor degree = 15 points
A diploma = 10 points
A recognised qualification/ award for your nominated occupation = 10 points
A Masters degree = 10 points
5. Community language skills
Hold a recognised qualification for interpreting or translating a community language = 5 points
6. Professional year
Completed a professional year in Australia in the last 4 years = 5 points
7. Partner
A Spouse or de facto partner (must also be an applicant and have competent English) = 10
You partner is an Australian citizen = 10 points
To gain a Skilled Visa under the General Skilled Migration Program, applicants must score a minimum of 65 points.
For more information and advice on Australian Visa Applications and the immigration system in Australia, please contact us by email: [email protected] or call us on 0207 427 5976. Those who wish to visit us, we are based in London, UK, 5 min walk from the Australian High Commission.