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Australian Support for UKRAINE Australian Visa Update

Australian Support for Ukraine This update explains Australian Support for Ukraine.  As part of Australia’s response to the crisis in Ukraine, the Department of Home Affairs is progressing outstanding visa applications from Ukrainians as a priority. This is rolling...


SOUTH AUSTRALIA OPENS UP TO SKILLED MIGRANTS Australia is opening up further with another state now welcoming back Migrants. The announcement in December stated that NSW would accept offshore applications. Once again, we saw the opening up of the borders to overseas...

Australia Opens its Borders

Australia has opened its borders! For the first time in two years Australia has opened its borders across all states and territories around the country and re-joined the Commonwealth by allowing its residents out and welcoming the rest of the world in. This has come...

Moving to Australia on a Spouse Visa 2022

  Why apply for an Australian Spouse Visa? If you have found your dream partner with whom you want to settle down with, but you are unsure where to live together, because you are British and your partner is either an Australian citizen or permanent resident, then...